Become the Leader of Your Industry.
Evidence-based coaching and training for developing exemplary leaders, high-performance teams, and a business that is built to last.
Build on the Rock, Not on the Sand
Business Consulting for Building High-Performing Teams and Culture

The most highly rated, profitable, rock solid businesses (in any category) have 3 things in common.
They have the best…
- Products and Processes
- Messaging and Marketing
- People and Culture
While each of these pillars is essential, mounting data over the past 50 years confirms that #3 (people and culture) serves as the FOUNDATION for #1 and #2, AND is the integral ingredient to improving your bottom line (read that again).
This is because positive culture produces happier, more productive people, who work harder for the business, bring their best creative and innovative ideas to work, and stick around for years.
As such, leaders can no longer afford to view business culture as a “squishy” or “optional” element, given that it has a direct and lasting impact on the profitability of their business.
- Translate your core beliefs/values into measurable behaviors of excellence for your business.
- Infuse those qualities and standards of excellence into each of your leaders, and then into your teams and operations.
- Create a 90-day roll out plan including proven change management, communication, and training strategies to ensure everyone is on board and progressing towards a new normal.
Within a few short weeks when the air feels lighter, and the work just seems to come together on its own, you’ll wonder how you ever existed without it.
This is how you become a company of champions. This is how you win the game.
Ready to lay a solid foundation for your future?
Let’s chat.
P.S. Due to the level of customization I offer, as well as the amount of time, love, and energy I put into business I partner with, I only take on a few consulting clients per year. So be aware that space is limited.
Become a Rare and Powerful Leader
1:1 Coaching for Executives and Business Leaders.

LeaderScore™ Assessment and 8 Core Competencies
In the same way a sculptor chisels away stone to reveal the statue underneath, we teach you how to shape and form yourself into the kind of leader you’re proud of.
First we assess your strengths across 8 evidence-based, real-world leadership competencies that the most respected and influential leaders in the world possess.
Then we work together to build simple actionable strategies to that help you capitalize on your strengths while shoring up your weak spots.
You’ll be shocked to see the incredible progress you can make in just 30 days, when you have the right coach in your corner.
Popular Coaching Topics Include:
Become an Influential and Inspiring Speaker
As an executive who spends most of his or her day communicating (emails, phone calls, meetings, presentations, etc) I bet you, like many others, have to come to realize that our style of communication makes or breaks our success. Whether your goals are to speak with greater authority, build stronger persuasion into your messaging, or simply become more effective with aligning your team towards a goal, we’ve got you covered.
Navigate Team Challenges and Organizational Change
The one unavoidable constant in business is change, and any leader worth their salt will tell you that hardest type of change involves people. This could be the merging of teams, a shift in leadership, massive organizational change, or even changing the technology or processes people use every day. I’ll teach you the strategies the most effective leaders utilize to navigate change with ease.
Build High Performance Teams and Culture
People will rise to the standard you set. Thus, the greatest danger in a business is not in setting the bar too high, but in setting it too low, and then having to watch as it slowly becomes the norm. The world’s greatest sports teams, strongest military organizations, and industry leaders all have one thing in common: a powerful, high-performing culture that brings out the best in people. I’ll show you how.
Find Balance and Prevent Burnout
High performers and goal-getters share a unique psychology in common – most of us are routinely focused on the future (instead of the past), think about what we can control versus what we cannot, and are often chasing what’s missing, instead of celebrating what’s already here. While that incredible drive serves us in business, it’s also the driving force behind burnout, as we rarely seem to find any rest (psychically, emotionally, and spiritually) and the battery slowly drains to empty. There is a way off the hamster wheel, let’s explore it together.
Go Further and Faster, Together
In-person and virtual training workshops for inspiring greatness.
Battle Plans for Your Best Year in Business
The top executives and leaders I work with most understand that success is rarely (if ever) a straight line.
That in order to achieve ANY worthy ideal, we all must develop the courage and tenacity it takes to descend into the unknown, endure setbacks, and still come out on top.
That where I come in…
This game-changing half or full-day workshop will help you and your team:
- Get crystal clear on your target (and ensure it’s the right target).
- Build a rock solid, evidence-based strategy with concretized task items and due dates, and then…
- Ensure you and the team are prepared to take massive forward action, and overcome any obstacles in your way.
Note: This popular business strategy workshop books up fast around the end of each quarter (December, March, June, and September) and during “leadership offsite season” each Spring. Book in advance to secure your spot.
Align and Activate
Build a Powerful, Connected, Collaborative Team
Spend just a few days leading a team (or group of leaders) and you’ll quickly find out how personality conflicts, unclear standards, misaligned goals, and that awful “G” word (gossip) can destroy productivity, add about 50 pounds of stress to your plate, and have your top talent ready to leave.
Sometimes, you’ll be fortunate enough to catch this “infection” while it’s small, and other times you’ll sit there in your office shaking your head, wondering how it even got to this point.
Hey, we’ve all been there, and I’m here to tell you that there’s a SIMPLE way to turn this situation around, and build it back stronger than it was before (read that again if you need to).
This powerful and restorative half or full-day workshop will help you and the team:
- Identify the primary challenges that are causing conflict and low performance on your team, and eliminate them.
- Replace disconnection and conflict with strong collaboration, high performance, and even friendship.
- Instill a new culture of feedback, open communication, and ownership that encourages future issues to be resolved while they’re small, instead of ever escalating again.
Storms are normal, but they are not meant to last.
Let’s get that sky looking blue again.
Present Like a Pro
Become a Compelling Communicator and Speaker
Some leaders are naturally gregarious social butterflies, who tell amazing stories (and jokes), captivate audiences, and always seem to get their ideas across brilliantly in meetings, on virtual calls, pitches and quarterly business reviews.
…Okay, maybe that’s only 1.5% of the human race.
Good news is, becoming a compelling communicator who gets ideas across with ease is NOT a gene or a default personality trait, it’s a SKILL, and with the right coach in your corner, becoming a compelling and influential communicator can be taught in one just one day (Yes, I’m serious).
This confidence-boosting half-day or full-day workshop will help you and your team:
- Speak with impeccable clarity and confidence in meetings, presentations, virtual calls, and even from the stage.
- Put to rest common challenges like crippling nerves, filler words (umm, so, etc.), word salads, losing focus, and more!
- Easily craft your messages for impact using the science of influence and persuasion, along with simple message frameworks anyone can master in a day.

Bootcamp for Building Excellence in Leadership
Just as steel is forged in the fire, leaders of real character and strength who aspire towards greatness must willingly place themselves in the fire of uncomfortable situations in order to be forged anew.
In this rare and transformative 1 or 2 day leadership team building experience, a group of 4 or more leaders will:
- Take on a physical and mental challenge that will require the leadership group to put aside all differences and work together to win.
- Discover their current leadership strengths and opportunities across 8 core leadership competencies, and then in powerful group interactions and discussions, commit to holding each other accountable towards that new standard of excellence.
- Build a reliable and adaptive long-term strategy for high-performance, without the burnout, that allows each leader’s best and brightest self to shine through every day, for the benefit of themselves and those they lead.
- Practice: This last topic is custom, and based on the unique challenges of each leadership team, the specific skills they need, or particular season the business is in. Example: Some groups feel called to build skill in communication, for others it’s skill in coaching, and for others it’s how to develop strategies for a changing market, etc.
Growth only happens at the edge. Let’s go there together.
NOTE: If booking Patrick for a leadership offsite event, conference, or in-person training, two months advance booking may be required. If you simply wish to know his availability for a specific date, you can email him directly ( and he’ll respond within 24 hours.
Meet Patrick, Your New Business Partner
High-Performance Expert | Business Consultant and Coach | Proud Father and Husband

Hi, I’m Patrick, nice to meet you.
For the past 25+ years, I’ve been obsessed with serving the world by developing greatness in others.
Background: I have a Master’s in Clinical Psychology with a focus on happiness and high performance. I’ve coached and trained executive leaders in Fortune 500 companies around the world, and I nerd out on topics like mindset mastery, business optimization, and maximizing team performance.
Through all of this, ONE question has inspired and guided my journey:
What is it IN high-performers that gives them the edge, and can it be simplified and shared with others?
▼ Scroll to read more ▼
Truth is, that’s a big question and one humans have been wrestling with for over three thousand years.
The good news is, that we now have a well-established science of happiness and well-being, evidence-based psychology of high-performance, and role models of human flourishing in every endeavor of life, spanning each continent and culture.
[Like I said, good news]
Want to hear the ultimate irony? These “modern discoveries” of the secrets to human flourishing, precisely echo the wisdom teachings of the great philosophers and spiritual teachers from the past 3000 years.
[Full circle. Nice]
As a high-performance coach, this incredible synchronicity and “universal wisdom” captivated me so much, that I decided to infuse these teachings into the core of my coaching, training, and consulting philosophy.
👇 Ready below for the modern and ancient formula to human flourishing:
- Don’t take the easy road: Aim for the brightest star you can find, then forge yourself into the kind of person who can endure the journey. You’ll not only arrive, you’ll become someone you’re proud of in the process.
- Develop a mortality mindset: Train yourself to appreciate the gift of waking up each day, then invest your great creativity and productivity into moving the needle forward. This is the balance between gratification (having what you want) and gratitude (wanting what you have).
- Decide NOT to play small: You have it in you to contribute something positive and meaningful to this world – a legacy you’ll look back on and smile about. For some, the path toward that ideal life is crystal clear, and for others, it can feel like being pulled in so many directions that we’ve lost sight of the road.
Toward that end, here’s what you can expect from me:
1. I will call you towards your highest, both personally and professionally.
2. I will inspire you to seek balance – appreciating all you have, while you strive for all you’re capable of becoming.
3. I will connect you to your greatest strengths, powerful motivators, and a clear sense of purpose that will propel you every step of the way toward the top.
Oh, and all that goodness, I’ll teach you how to inject that mindset and energy into your team, and integrate it into every fiber of your business.
Are you in?
Talk soon,
Book Your FREE Clarity Call with Patrick
For visionaries and greatness seekers that are serious about growth.
Do I need to book a clarity call first?
The free clarity call is our chance to meet before committing to working together.
It’s an opportunity for us to ensure my consulting approach is the right fit for your goals, my coaching and training style is in sync with your needs, and our schedules align so it’s easy for us to reliably meet.
Click the calendar above, answer a few key questions that will help me know how to best serve you, and I’ll see you on the other side.
What is your area of expertise?
For over 20 years, my greatest superpower (if such a thing exists) is making other people powerful.
Inspiring greatness, and building evidence-based, actionable strategies, tailored to each business (and their unique industry) is what I do best.
The businesses and teams that gain the greatest benefit from our partnership are the ones who:
- See their business not just as a means to make money, but more so as opportunity to fulfill a mission, make an impact, and add value to the marketplace.
- Have a sincere desire to develop their profits AND their people – defining success not just by spreadsheets, but also by the happiness and flourishing of their team members.
- Believe that success rises and falls on leadership, and that if any REAL change is going to happen in thier business, it must be first modeled at the top.
- Are serious about change, and ready to priorotize time and energy each week into building a strong foundation for the future of their company.
- Lastly, the businesses that gain the greatest benefit from partnering with me are hunting for a unique and inspiring individual whose expertise is building (and sustaining) a high-performance business culture, phenomenal teams, and exceptional leadership.
If that sounds like what you’re looking for, let’s talk.
Grab a 30 minute slot on my calendar and I’ll you on the other side.
What is your style of leading and facilitating workshops?
I’ll keep this simple:
1. As a business owner who has to balance a budget, I believe every company should get above and beyond what they pay for. For that reason I’m very intentional with my workshops, I insist on bringing my “A-game,” and ensure the target we agreed on has been hit without fail.
2. As a expert presenter, speaker, and trainer I know that people learn best NOT from boring, monotone “sit and get” sessions, but instead by lively, engaging, experiential learning that gives them opportunities to PRACTICE in private whatever we ask them to perform in public.
If people leave my sessions with filled notepads that’s good, but if they leave with an inspired readiness for action, that’s much better.
3. Every business, culture, and team is unique, so nothing I do is off the shelf. When I put together my plan for a leadership offsite event, skills training, or facilitated strategy session, I create it WITH you and FOR you.
Everything I do build is with you in mind.
If that resonates and matches what you’re looking for, let’s talk.
What should I expect from coaching?
As a coach, my job is to help you get clear, get focused, and get going.
1) GET CLEAR: Not just of where you are now on your leadership journey, and the results you’re currently seeing, but also where you want to be instead – which is a powerful and inspiring conversation that will stick with you.
2) GET FOCUSED: When faced with a world of conflicting priorities, limited time, and unlimited distractions, achieving any goal (especially the big ones) can feel like climbing uphill… in the rain, against the wind.
To push back against those odds, we will build action plans to help you sharpen your focus, eliminate distractions, and ensure you have room in your day for what matters most.
3) GET GOING: This is why you’re here right? To see change in one or more areas of your life and leadership?
Now when it comes to change, the only things we can improve are the things we are willing to measure. So that’s exactly what we’ll do.
Utilizing either our LifeScore™ Assessment, or our popular LeaderScore™ Assessemnt, we will get a clear sense of how you’re performing across 8 leadership compentencies and 3 major life arenas.
Then, after 30, 60, or 90 days we will measure again and see what has improved.
Now, as you know, the needle of progress doesn’t move by magic, it only moves by consistent daily action.
This is why we invest a good amount of our time together building step-by-step action plans and having accountability conversations.
I have FULL CONFIDENCE that your “before and after” results will speak for itself – not only through the numerical changes you see on a colorful graph, but the noticeable lightness you now feel in your chest, and the ease in which you can rally the team and make magic happen in the marketplace.
Trust your gut on this decision, wherever it leads you.
Talk soon,
How private and confidential is coaching?
100% private and 100% confidential. Nothing we talk about leaves my ears (business, family, health, etc), and I won’t mention your name without your permission.
That is unfortunately not the case for every self-proclaimed coach out there, but it is definitely the case for me.
This is because I have great respect for your privacy and the work we do together.
It’s also part of my story. You see before I became obsessed with high-performance coaching and business consulting I was a licensed psychologist – and if you know anything about that field, privacy is the cornerstone of everything they do.
Do you offer a refund policy for coaching?
If you have booked sessions, but can no longer attend them due to unexpected life events or major scheduling conflicts that cannot be resolved, then we are happy to refund the number of sessions you can no longer attend.
However, we cannot refund the coaching sessions you have already booked and attended.
This is another reason we meet first for our clarity call, to ensure everything lines up for you.