Engineer Excellence.

Become the leader of your industry with esteemed business consultant, high-performance coach, and expert people developer, Patrick Kerwin.

Engineer Excellence.

Become the leader of your industry with esteemed

business consultant, high-performance coach, and

expert people developer, Patrick Kerwin.

Engineer Excellence.

Become the leader of your industry with esteemed business consultant, high-performance coach, and expert people developer, Patrick Kerwin.

Become a Rare and Powerful Leader

1:1 Coaching for Executives and Business Leaders

LeaderScore™ Assessment and 8 Core Competencies

In the same way a sculptor chisels away stone to reveal the statue underneath, we teach you how to shape and form yourself into the kind of leader you’re proud of.

First we assess your strengths across 8 evidence-based, real-world leadership competencies that the most respected and influential leaders in the world possess.

Then we work together to build simple actionable strategies to that help you capitalize on your strengths while shoring up your weak spots.

You’ll be shocked to see the incredible progress you can make in just 30 days, when you have the right coach in your corner.

"Patrick has been awesome!

He has this way of saying exactly what I needed to hear.”

Olivia, Oakland, CA

"Very Dynamic.

Patrick was brilliant. It was a great session with immediate take aways.”

-Intelstat (Airline Operations)

"Above and beyond!

You think it’s about your goals, but it’s SO much more.”

Sean, Whitelake, MI

"Great instructor!

A very interactive day with real world imprelemtation. Thank you!

-Zoll Data Systems

"Worth every penny!

I got so much more out of this than I ever imagined.”

Casey, Rock Springs, WY

"This was fantastic!

I was very inspired by today’s workshop. The team was very engaged and we all learned a ton.”

-PCA Skincare

"I can't believe

how many ideas I circled in my notepad in the first 30 minutes.” 

Alan, Austin, TX 

"One word: Progress

I finally feel like I have a solid plan of attack.”

David, Toronto, CA

Build Unstoppable and Measurable Growth

with our Self-Paced Online Courses

Coming Soon!

**Doors Re-open Q1 2025

ILLUMINATE™ is our ultimate online goal achievement course for people with an unshakable feeling “it’s time” for change, and are unwilling to leave their success in business, marriage, and health this year up to chance, well wishes, or crossed fingers.

Coming Soon! **Doors Re-open Q1 2025

ILLUMINATE™ is our ultimate online goal achievement course for people with an unshakable feeling “it’s time” for change, and are unwilling to leave their success in business, marriage, and health this year up to chance, well wishes, or crossed fingers.

Give Yourself the Edge


80% of people in the workforce are unfulfilled and unexcited by the work they do, leading to a large loss in daily performance.


92% of well-intentioned goals end up back on the shelf a week later. BUT those who design their future with clear and accountable goals and action steps make it to the top. That’s where we come in.

Source: Study on goals by Static Brain. Research on why people succeed from Berkman, Lieberman, 2009.


97% of hard working people interviewed at the end of their life wished they had let themselves be happier, and not allowed work dominate their life. To avoid this future we teach your the art and science of high-performance, but without the burnout.

Meet Patrick, Your New Business Partner

Patrick is a highly acclaimed business consultant and coach with over 20 years of experience building high performance organizations, teams, and cultures. He’s the founder of Legacy Life, proud father of two, and has worked with businesses around the world including Netflix, 7-Eleven, HerbaLife Nutrition, Pareto Health, Lockheed Martin, and more.

His unshakable optimism and inspiring presence emboldens you with the clarity, courage, and commitment you need to bring your wildest dreams to life. Almost immediately he feels like a member of the team, and you’ll soon find out why.

Put Some Inspiration in Your Pocket.

Subscribe to our Podcast and YouTube channel to get the success principles and evidence-based strategies you need to build a business and life you love.

Put Some Inspiration In Your Pocket.

Subscribe to our Podcast and YouTube channel to get the success principles and evidence-based strategies you need to build a business and life you love.